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Motto: "Everyone is responsible for themselves and their health, let me accompany you on your journey."
Often times, the problems our bodies are afflicted by have roots somewhere else than the actual painful spot. They may stem from a different place in the body but also from the lifestyle. Anyone must thus be seen as a whole, not just as “painful neck” or “shoulder problem”. To see and understand the context and then design the treatment, that requires some attention and creativity. It results in a true art, providing you with unique care.
Should you decide to put your well-being in my hands, I will be happy to show you how to take care of yourself, I will share my experience and skills so that you yourself can find the key to your own health.
As a physical therapist, I work gently and intuitively so that I can provide holistic care, tailor-made for every client.
Welcome to my website!
Physical therapy counsel
Pregnancy preparation
Pregnancy and puerperium care
Pelvic floor dysfunction treatment
Healthy feet and suitable footwear
Unique massage system designed to fit every client’s particular needs
Who I cooperate with:
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